Asynchronous Resources

The Quaglia Institute is pleased to offer presentations and publications to utilize in your virtual classrooms. 

Student Voice & Aspirations in the World of Online Learning

This webinar provides ten pieces of advice on how to infuse student voice into online learning, give students some control during this chaotic and seemingly uncontrollable time, and keep students meaningfully engaged, all in 30 minutes.
Hosted by Dr. Russell Quaglia and Dr. Lisa Lande


Customized Survey Questions

Schools may want to consider adding custom questions to student surveys. These surveys provide a great opportunity to better understand students’ learning experiences, and a chance to obtain valuable student feedback about something new or specific in your school or classroom. Use or all some of the suggested customized survey questions.

Dream Bigger

Throughout the pandemic, students have shown their flexibility and resolve. They have shown that they are full of untapped potential and endless ideas and skills to teach us! Returning to the way things were is not in the best interest of our students; they would be better served if we all work toward the way things should be.                  Article written by Dr. Russell Quaglia

Kentucky Students Create a Survey to Learn how Students are Coping with COVID

As part of the Prichard Committee Student Voice Team, a group of Kentucky high school students wanted to know how their peers were navigating school at home during the COVID-19 crisis, so they polled thousands of other teens to find out.

You can read the results here.

Why Student Voice Matters More Now Than Ever

Dr. Quaglia believes that we often view student voice as important but not a priority. Listen to this session hosted on ASCD's Bam! Radio to explore why student voice may be more important than ever in these trying times.

Pose Reflective Questions: Teachers and Students Must Unite to Build a 'New Normal'

As we prepare to welcome students back to brick and mortar classrooms, we can pool our most creative thinking, learn together, and move forward with a celebratory and strong spirit.
Article written by Dr. Lisa Lande and Dr. Russell Quaglia

Practical Tips to Make Student Voice the Cornerstone of Your Online Classes

Educators who are committed to amplifying student voice know that voice thrives in a classroom built upon trust, respect, and a sense of community.
Article written by Heather Esposito, Dr. Kristine Fox, and Dr. Russell Quaglia

Teachers, Your Voice is Your Most Powerful Tool for Success in Online Learning

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic it is important to recognise which aspects of teaching and learning you can control and which you cannot.
Article written by Dr. Russell Quaglia and Dr. Kristine Fox

Students Aren't Victims: It's Critical We Harness Their Voice to Drive Online Learning

Rather than "fix" things for students, we need to engage them in decision making. We need to learn with them what will work for them as they navigate through this transition to online learning.
Article written by Michelle Brait and Dr. Russell Quaglia

COVID-19: An Opportunity to Listen, Learn, and Lead with our Children

As the world continues to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, the implications for schools and families remain front and center. During this unprecedented time, we are hopeful that parents will remember the critical importance of listening to and learning from their children.
Article written by Dr. Russell Quaglia and Dr. Lisa Lande

10 Steps to Incorporating Student Voice into Remote Learning

For most of us, teaching and learning are suddenly and profoundly different. What has not changed, however, is the very soul of who we are as educators and the importance of student voice.
An ASCD In Service article, written collectively by the staff of the Quaglia Institute and the Australian Institute for Voice and Aspirations under the guidance of Dr. Quaglia.

Student Voice Thank You

15 Brisbane Catholic Education Student Voice Consultants produced a video to say thank you to staff, students and parents for their innovation, resilience and support through the COVID-19 Pandemic.