Quaglia Institute News and Events

The Woodside Way and Aloha Spirit
Baldwin High School in Maui recently sent a team of educators to visit Woodside High School in California to continue their learning about Student Voice & Aspirations implementation in the high school setting. The Baldwin team left with a clear understanding of how Student Voice and the 8 Conditions are woven into the culture and community, or what is called "The Woodside Way." The team at Woodside shared that the visit was mutually beneficial as they experienced the collaborative Aloha Spirit of the Baldwin team and had the opportunity to reflect on their practice as they shared their journey with others. This experience was truly enriching for both schools, as everyone benefits from the collaboration that ensues when schools can meet and learn with educators from other locations who are working towards the shared goals of amplifying Student Voice and supporting all students in reaching their Aspirations.

Make Learning Irresistible
Partnerships for Authentic Learning and Leadership created a short video of their Summer Institute 2023 held earlier this year. The focus of this conference was Make Learning Irresistible; check out this link to see how they did!

Student Voice Case Study Guardian Angels Catholic Primary School
The August issue of ReConnectEd includes an article written by Danielle Carter, Principal of Guardian Angels Catholic Primary School. Danielle discusses the systems, processes and structure the school uses to ensure ‘Voice’ is a way of operation at the school. You can read the article here.

Principal Center Radio
What does it mean to design a learning environment? How do you build relationships with and among your students? Listen as Dr. Lisa Lande discusses Engagement by Design: Creating Learning Environments Where Students Thrive with Dr. Justin Baeder on Principal Center Radio.

Kansas Technical Assistance Systems Network
In partnership with the Kansas Technical Assistance Systems Network (TASN) the Quaglia Institute has been working with an amazing group of educators from across the state in a Learning Community focused on amplifying Student Voice & Aspirations. The most recent session was focused on celebrating the power of voice by developing greater partnerships and purpose. Looking forward to continuing this learning journey in Kansas next year!

Students Analyze Student Voice Data
All 16 of the Aspirations Academies Trust schools in England have taken the Student Voice survey and students are now digging into the data. At a recent student council meeting session the students analyzed the results and identified the two statements they were most concerned about.

I Have a Voice
Students at Guardian Angels Catholic Primary School in Australia select a school theme song for the year. This year they chose I Have a Voice, and you can watch as they perform the song here.

Dolphin Ambassadors at Kihei Elementary School
Dolphin Ambassadors at Kihei Elementary School have been meeting to discuss their thoughts, opinions, and ideas. A 4th grade Dolphin Ambassador summarized the findings from the Dolphin Ambassador notes, and shared the summary during one of the school's daily morning broadcasts. Click here to view the recording, filmed and broadcast entirely by students! And a big shout out to Bianca Datiles, Kihei's Student Activities Coordinator for doing such a great job leading the Dolphin Ambassadors.

Kindergarten Voice at Wailuku Elementary School
Kathleen Delos Santos, a kindergarten teacher at Wailuku Elementary shared the links below as examples of Student Voice in Kindergarten. Student voice CAN and DOES happen with Kindergarteners!
Kindergarteners showcased their work in the school cafeteria in December for all to see. They were so proud to show off their writing pieces along with their mauna art, and their teacher was too!
After reading through their own books, students had several chances to share about their favorite parts with at least three friends. Their teacher shared “I just loved hearing the excitement in their voices and the engagement in their faces with one another.” Be sure to click through and watch all the videos!
Mahalo Book Trust board, staff and guests came in and read to the students – and brought donuts too!
100th Day of School Fashion Show
Check out the great videos. Students also voted on the 100th day of school treat. Spoiler alert! Mini sprinkled strawberry and chocolate donuts won!

Sit With Wisdom
Northridge Academy, located in Los Angeles Unified School District, CA, has introduced Sit With Wisdom lunches, benefitting both students and teachers. Students get to spend some time with their teacher in an environment that is different from the classroom, and teachers have an opportunity to get to know the students in a deeper manner. View this slide deck for more information and photos.

Ask The Students - Dr. Lisa Lande
In this GameChangersPC podcast QISVA's Dr. Lisa Lande shares her aspiration that every classroom in every school is one that she would want her own three children to learn in. Lisa has dedicated her professional endeavors to advocating for teachers and students around the globe.

Henry County Schools: Alliance of Teacher Leaders
The 2022 Alliance of Teacher Leaders (ATL) project wrapped up in Atlanta for the year with a graduation ceremony at which this video was shown. The theme for the video is "How has participation in the Alliance of Teacher Leaders made an impact on your professional practice?"

Lawrence Middle School World Café
Lawrence Middle School recently conducted their fourth World Café Data Activity. Side by side, adult leaders and students analyzed Student Voice survey data with the goal of learning from students' perspectives about the transition back to in-person learning on campus. Students then brainstormed solutions for identified issues and actions that can be taken to further enhance the student experience at Lawrence. The World Café was never designed to be a one-time event. Lawrence hosts these regularly in order to obtain feedback from students on an ongoing basis. The insights students provide are critical to the continual improvement planning process. Student input has become part of the “way of being” at Lawrence. This spring the Student Voice survey will be administered again, and a new group of students will be invited to share their perspectives. Supporting Lawrence's new goal of involving students in conversations with staff about future professional development, these World Café participants will also engage in this collective planning. We strongly believe that we have a lot to learn from students if we are willing to listen—Lawrence knows how to listen! Click here to view a one-minute video highlighting Lawrence's most recent World Café Data Activity.

Sutter Middle School KIND Club
Check out the amazing work being done by students participating in the Kind Club at Sutter Middle School.

Parent Presentation from Mt. Gleason Middle School
The Aspirations Team at Mt. Gleason Middle School delivered a presentation to parents about Student Voice during their regularly scheduled Coffee with the Principal. For Student Voice to truly become a way of being, all members of the school community, including parents and community members must be included. This is a great example representing the work many schools are doing to include families in their Student Voice & Aspirations work. Click here to download the parent presentation.