Student Voice Focus Groups

The goal of focus groups is to produce meaningful conversation about the topics you are discussing, rather than a series of short answers. You want participants to "color in" the black and white sketch provided by the survey. Use the information gathered during focus groups, in conjunction with the Quaglia Student Voice survey results, to inform your next steps. Create an action plan focused on improving areas of weakness, as well as celebrating and maintaining identified strengths at your school.

Conducting Quaglia Student Voice Focus Groups Grades 3-12

Conducting student focus groups is an important component of the Quaglia Student Voice effort in schools, as they allow educators to dig deeper into survey data and better understand students' perspectives. This document outlines a process for conducting focus groups with students in grades 3-12.

Conducting Quaglia Student Voice Focus Groups Grades K-2

Due to their unreliability, QISVA does not use scaled surveys with students in grade 2 or younger. Rather, QISVA encourages schools to conduct focus groups with this population, as they allow younger students an opportunity to share their thoughts on school. This document outlines a process for engaging K-2 students in Quaglia Student Voice focus groups.

Preparing to Partner

After conducting focus groups with students, it is important to determine how to take action together. This resource helps educators and students prepare to partner for these essential next steps.